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Today's Bible Question

Friday, October 4, 2024

What man did the Lord command the law to in Horeb?

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What does Proverbs say does good like a medicine?

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What kind of answer does Proverbs say turns away wrath?

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The question is asked, How should one chase a thousand, and two put how many to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up?

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Proverbs teaches he that finds what, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord?

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Of which of his sons was he speaking, when Israel said " It is enough; my son is yet alive: I will go and see him before I die"?

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Isaiah wrote the leopard shall lay down with the kid, and what shall dwell with the lamb?

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Who said he had seen Nathanael under a fig tree?

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Who were Laban's daughters?

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Who thrust three darts in Absalom, when he was caught in a tree?

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Who knows the day of the coming of the Son of man?

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Who told a parable about someone sowing seeds?

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Who had a vision of what appeared to be a wheel in the middle of a wheel?

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Whose friends went out to lay hold on him, because they said, he is beside himself?

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What did the Israelites put on the doorposts so the plague against the Egyptians would pass over them?

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Who woke out of sleep and did not know the Lord had departed from him?

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What did Gideon put out to see if the Lord would save Israel by his hand?

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Who was Sapphira's husband?

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When a woman with an alabaster box poured ointment on Jesus, what did He say it was for?

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How many baskets of leftovers were there when Jesus fed the crowd with seven loaves and a few fishes?

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Whose daughter-in-law was better to her than seven sons?

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Which of the apostles hanged himself?

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Who asked to be call Mara, because she said the Almighty had dealt very bitterly with her?

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Who did Mordecai instruct not to tell her nationality?

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Where was Nebuchadnezzar king?

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Who was Joseph and Benjamin's mother?

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Who became a nurse to Ruth's child?

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What disciple did Rhoda leave knocking at the door when he escaped from prison?

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The coming of the Son of man shall be as the days of who?

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Who sent his sons to Egypt to buy food during a famine?

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