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Today's Bible Question

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Who was Ishmael's mother?

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Who was displeased when his father laid his right hand upon the head of his younger son?

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To whom did God say "I Am That I Am"?

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As Jesus' disciples watched Him ascend to heaven, in what color were the two men that stood by them dressed?

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What king did Pilate send Jesus to before His crucifixion?

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Who was the prince of the eunuchs that was set over Daniel?

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Who became second in command under Pharaoh after interpreting Pharaoh's dream?

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Whose army did God narrow down to three hundred men to go against the Midianites?

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Who was the leader of the army that marched around Jericho when the walls fell?

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Who did a centurion ask Jesus to heal of the palsy?

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What first king of Israel stood head and shoulders above the rest of the people?

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What governor released Barabbas, and sent Jesus to be crucified?

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What ruler of the synagogue had a twelve year old daughter Jesus raised from the dead?

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Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy what for a season?

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Although Peter vehemently denied he would ever do this, what did he do three times before the rooster crowed?

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Who was told that a razor must never touch his head or body, and lost this strength when his hair was cut?

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After Naaman was healed, Elijah refused to accept his gifts, but what servant sinned by taking them?

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What king instructed the wise men to return to him when they found the newborn king, but they returned a different way?

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Whose wife despised him when she saw him dance before the Lord?

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A man that was healed by what gate entered the temple walking and leaping and praising God?

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Jesus wept when what man died?

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Who went into an ark with his family, and they were saved from the flood waters?

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Where was Jesus baptized by John?

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Who through faith received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised?

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What king put golden calves in Bethel and Dan for the people to worship?

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What did Jesus say He would do to anyone that confesses Him before men?

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Which of the apostles was stoned and left for dead, but rose up?

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Who did an angel call a mighty man of valor as he was hiding as he threshed wheat?

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Which disciple walked on the water?

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Who had a vision of the Lord holding a plumbline?

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