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Today's Bible Question

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

What color was the dragon with seven heads and ten horns?

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Who asked for 100 foreskins of the Philistines as a dowry?

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What bird did Jesus say is not forgotten before God?

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What men did the earth open up and swallow?

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What did Jesus say the children of the bridechamber would do when the bridegroom is taken from them?

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The Egyptians pursued Israel to what sea?

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What prophet did the Lord tell to dig through a wall?

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Who said "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her"?

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What image had the people made when Moses was on the mount receiving the 10 commandments?

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What did Moses do with the tables of the 10 commandments when he saw the people had made an idol?

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Who besides Moses was told to take off his shoes because he stood on holy ground?

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Who caught a lion by the beard and slew him?

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Who told the people "God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you"?

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What did Benaiah kill in a pit on a snowy day?

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What church did the Lord rebuke for allowing that woman Jezebel to teach and seduce His servants?

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David received a message that the hearts of the men of Israel were after which of his sons?

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Who was hidden by his mother for 3 months?

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Who does the book of Isaiah say shall walk and not faint?

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Jesus said all manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven, but what shall not be forgiven?

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Who was Rebekah's brother?

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Who became a husbandman, planted a vineyard, got drunk, and lay naked in his tent?

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What happens where there is no vision?

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What is 666 the number of?

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Where was Jesus when He asked His disciples, Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?

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Who does the book of Proverbs say falls seven times and rises up again?

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What tribe was Paul the apostle from?

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Who had a wise woman feign herself to be a mourner before King David?

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What did Jesus say will be where your treasure is?

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To whom did Daniel interpret the handwriting on the wall?

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Whose handmaid was Hagar?

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