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Today's Bible Question

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

What did Eli's daughter-in-law name her son, saying, the glory of God is departed from Israel?

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Who was unable to sleep the night that Daniel was in the lion's den?

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Who took a spear and cruse of water from Saul's bolster when he was sleeping?

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When Jesus was sleeping in a ship and a storm arose, what did the disciples ask Him?

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Who did God remove a rib from?

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Who killed Abel?

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Who did Andrew go and get when he first saw Jesus?

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What prophet told David "Thou art the man"?

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Who said "For with God nothing shall be impossible"?

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Who asked Jesus "How can a man be born when he is old"?

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What did the disciples begin to ask when Jesus said one of them would betray him?

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What did the merchant sell in order to purchase the pearl of great price?

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In the parable of the good Samaritan what did the priest and Levite do when they saw the injured man?

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Jesus told the 70 He was sending them out as what among wolves?

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What happened to the seeds that fell by the wayside in the parable Jesus told?

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Who asked that the sun dial go back 10 degrees as a sign God would heal him?

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What did the hem of Aarons robe have sown between gold bells?

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Which one of Jesus' disciples was a thief?

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What came from the rock when Moses smote it?

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In the parable Jesus told, the rich man said he would pull down his barns and do what?

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Who did David instruct Joab to put in the hottest battle and retire from him that he may die?

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In the parable of the prodigal son, what did the younger son get a job doing?

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Who helped her son impersonate his brother to get a blessing?

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When two women both claimed to be the mother of the same child, what did King Solomon say should be done?

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Who was the mother of Abram's son Ishmael?

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Who put the purple robe on Jesus?

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Who hid a hundred prophets in a cave to save them from Jezebel?

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What was David doing when Samuel came to anoint one of Jesse's sons?

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Who died giving birth to Benjamin?

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To whom did the virgin, Mary, give birth?

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