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Today's Bible Question

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Delilah called for a man to shave whose head?

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What did God make from a rib?

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Jesus told Nicodemus unless what happens to a man, he cannot see the kingdom of God?

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Who complained to Jesus that her sister was not helping her serve?

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What attached itself to Paul's hand when he was building a fire?

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How were Mary and Elisabeth related?

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What did Jesus say the thief comes to do?

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By what god's name did the people of Lycaonia call Paul?

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Who was called a preacher of righteousness?

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Who did Jesus say was a burning and shining light?

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Who threw a stick in the water and an axe head swam to the top?

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What opened the prison doors when Paul and Silas were in prison?

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Who did Jesus send to get tribute money from the mouth of a fish?

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Who made a serpent out of brass and put it on a pole?

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For how long did it not rain when Elijah prayed?

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What came to rest on the mountains of Ararat?

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Who did God give a choice of three punishments after he sinned by counting the people?

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Who took 300 men to battle that lapped water like dogs?

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What did the father have the servants bring to the prodigal son when he returned home?

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What did King Nebuchadnezzar have done to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego?

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Who shall wipe away all tears in heaven?

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What are there twelve of in heaven, each made from one pearl?

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Around what pool were sick folk waiting for an angel to trouble the water?

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By faith, what fell after being compassed about seven days?

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Who when he was born, was hid three months of his parents, because they saw he was a proper child?

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How many times did Paul receive forty stripes save one?

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After the resurrection where did Jesus instruct the disciples to wait for the promise of the Father?

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Who tempted Jesus in the wilderness?

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What Philistine giant taunted the Israelite army for forty days?

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Who did God call up to a mount and give commandments that He had written?

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