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Today's Bible Question

Monday, September 30, 2024

Who told Daniel 'Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee' when he was put in the lion's den?

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Who asked Leah for the mandrakes her son found in the field?

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What did Simon the sorcerer offer the apostles in exchange for the power to lay hands on people and they would receive the Holy Ghost?

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What was the name of Jonathan's son that was lame?

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Where was the beggar, Lazarus, carried when he died?

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What did Joseph's brothers dip his coat in?

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What king commanded a child be cut in two with a sword?

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Who struck Job with boils?

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Who took a spear and cruse of water from Saul's bolster as he slept?

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What did the man with the unclean spirit, who dwelt in the tombs do day and night?

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What time did Paul and Silas sing praises to God in prison?

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Who was the blind man who cried out to Jesus "Thou son of David, have mercy on me"?

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Pharaoh stopped giving the Hebrew slaves straw, but demanded they produce the same amount of what?

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What was Moses instructed to take off because he was standing on holy ground?

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Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for who to enter the kingdom of God?

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Jesus told the Pharisees they make what of none effect through their traditions?

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Who interpetted a butler's dream saying he would be restored to his position?

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Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are what?

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Whose face shone after receiving the 10 commandments, and he had to put a veil on his face to speak to the people?

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What did Jesus use to feed 5,000 men?

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What did Jesus stoop down and do after instructing that he without sin should cast the first stone?

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What did the Syrophenician woman tell Jesus the dogs eat under the table?

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Who told Job to curse God and die?

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For what prophet did a Shunammite woman and her husband build a room?

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Who told Jesus to make the stone into bread?

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Who called for a man to shave Samson's head?

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Where were a gold pot of manna, Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant placed?

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How long had Aeneas been sick before he was healed?

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Who cast salt into the waters at Jericho and the Lord healed them?

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Who killed a lion and bear protecting his father's sheep?

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