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Today's Bible Question

Monday, September 30, 2024

Who did Herod say Jesus was, risen from the dead?

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How old was Moses when he died?

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What did Jesus tell a centurion He had not found in Israel?

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Which apostle was Andrew's brother?

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Who fled from Absalom when he tried to take over his throne?

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In the parable Jesus told about the woman who had ten pieces of silver, how many pieces did she lose?

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What king was Jezebel married to?

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Where could the Israelites not drink the water because it was bitter?

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When a jailor was about to commit suicide, who told him 'Do thyself no harm: for we are all here'?

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To what man did a dove come to with an olive leaf in her mouth?

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About 3,000 people were baptized after who preached on the day of Pentecost?

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Mariners offered a sacrifice and made vows after throwing what man overboard?

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What happened to King Jeroboam's hand when he put it forth against the man of God?

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Who did the queen of Sheba come to prove with hard questions when she heard of his fame concerning the name of the Lord?

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Who was Abel killed by?

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How many lepers had Jesus cleansed, when only one came back to thank Him?

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When Lot was taken captive, who armed his three hundred and eighteen trained servants and rescued him?

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What animals ate Jezebel's body?

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Who told Ananias he had lied to the Holy Ghost?

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David's men gave a cake of figs and two clusters of raisins to a man of what nationality they found in a field?

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What kind of tree was Rebekah's nurse, Deborah, was buried under?

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Whose son brought her mandrakes he found in the field?

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What did Gideon's men have in their pitchers?

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What was found in Benjamin's sack when he left Egypt?

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Who did Isaac ask to bring to him venison, that he might eat, and then bless him before he die?

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When the devil tried to tempt Him, Jesus said man shall not live by what alone?

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What did Uzzah touch that caused him to die?

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Who did Cain ask, am I my brother's keeper?

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What were the disciples of Jesus first called in Antioch?

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Who killed Goliath?

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