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Today's Bible Question

Monday, September 30, 2024

Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, because he married a woman of what nationality?

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Reuben was whose firstborn son?

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Who was 600 years old when the flood waters came upon the earth?

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Jesus said he saw Nathaniel under what kind of tree?

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What nation wandered in the wilderness forty years?

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Jesus asked, what shall a man give in exchange for what?

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James and John were call the sons of what?

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What did Jeroboam make for gods?

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When God told Jonah to Nineveh, he got on a ship headed where?

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Where was Elijah taken by a whirlwind?

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To whom did Samuel say, to obey is better than sacrifice?

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What is heaven is pure gold, as it were transparent glass?

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Who ascended into heaven from Mount Olivet?

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Eve was called the mother of all what?

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Joshua proclaimed a curse on anyone who rebuilt what city?

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Who did Haman have gallows prepared for?

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What was Abraham looking for, whose builder and maker is God?

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How old was Mephibosheth when he was dropped by his nurse?

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When did Nicodemus come to talk to Jesus?

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What did Jesus ask Peter three times, that grieved Peter?

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Who appeared to Solomon in a dream asking him what he desired?

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Where was Jesus when the centurion said, Truly this man was the Son of God?

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Lydia was a seller of what?

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For how many days and night did it rain when Noah built the ark?

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Who asked, Am I my brothers keeper?

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What did the devil tell Jesus to turn to bread when He was fasting in the wilderness?

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Jesus said the Pharisee discerned the weather saying when the sky in the evening is red it will be what kind of weather ?

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Whose wife told him to curse God and die?

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Who cast two mites into the treasury and caught the attention of Jesus?

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What did Zacchaeus tell Jesus he would do with half of his goods?

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