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Today's Bible Question

Monday, September 30, 2024

What king saw the finger's of a man's hand write on the wall while he was having a feast?

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Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is what?

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Who did Rachel steal images from?

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What did Elijah tell Elisha he would receive if he saw him when he was taken?

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What did Samuel name a stone?

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Who did God give a dream to, showing him 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine?

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To which disciple did Jesus say, Get thee behind me satan?

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Jesus asked, How is a man profited if he gains the whole world, but loses what?

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After Jesus was transfigured what did Peter want to build?

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Jesus said, it would be better to have what hanged about your neck and cast into the sea, than to offend a little one?

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Who cast away his garment when Jesus called him?

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Jesus said it is easier for what animal to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?

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What did Jesus say he that is whole has no need of?

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What did Jesus tell the Pharisees they do to the word of God through their tradition?

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What is Golgotha interpreted as?

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What is the first of the 10 commandments?

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Who told Manoah's wife she would have a baby, that they would name Samson?

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What did Joseph leave behind when he fled from Potiphar's wife?

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What did Peter cry out when he began to sink?

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What will the merciful obtain?

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How many loaves did Jesus use to feed 4,000 men?

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In whose presence does Psalms 23 tell us God will prepare a table?

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What was the name of Jacob's daughter?

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To whom did a voice from heaven say, Why persecutest thou me?

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What did the Philistine return along with 5 gold mice?

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Who forgot Joseph after he interpreted his dream?

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On what day did Jesus heal the man by the pool at Bethesda?

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What king gave Nehemiah permission to return to Jerusalem to rebuild it?

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Who took some of the spoil from Jericho after Joshua said not to?

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Jesus said if this offends you cut it off.

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