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Today's Bible Question

Monday, September 30, 2024

Who was Jacob's father?

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Who fell backwards after learning his sons were dead and the ark of God was taken?

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Who vowed to the Lord, if He would give her a son, she would give him to the Lord?

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What did Gideon do with all the men who did not lap water like a dog?

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To whom did God say "For dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return"?

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How many stories did Noah build in the ark?

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When Moses sent men to spy in Canaan they came back comparing themselves to what creatures next to the giants of Anak?

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Jesus said He did not come to call the righteous, but who?

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Jesus told the disciples where they were not received they should shake what off their feet?

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Jesus said The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but who had no where to lay his head?

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Who should we honor that our days may be long?

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What did the priests give the soldiers to say the disciples stole the body of Jesus while they slept?

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After 10 days of not eating the king's meat how did Daniel and his comapanions look compared to the other captives?

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When mariners cast lots to determine the cause of the storm, who did it fall on?

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What did Samson see in the carcass of a lion?

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When the Lord called Eli, who did he think it was?

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How long did it take Solomon to build his house?

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Who mockingly bowed before Jesus saying Hail, King of the Jews?

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Who sent men to Jesus asking "Art thou he that should come or look we for another?"

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What does Proverbs say a soft answer turns away?

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God placed Cherubims with flaming swords to keep man away from what tree?

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Jesus is the good vine, and who is the hubandman?

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Who rode on a colt to Jerusalem and the crowds shouted Hosanna?

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Who makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered?

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After his resurrection Jesus met two of his followers on the road to where?

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Who sent a messenger to Naaman telling him to wash in the Jordan?

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Who when she had seen all of Solomon's wisdom and all that he had, had no more spirit left in her?

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What did Jesus tell Peter and Andrew He would make them if they followed Him?

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Concerning the whole armour of God, what breastplate should you have?

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According to Revelation what will happen to those not found in the book of life?

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