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Today's Bible Question

Monday, September 30, 2024

Who refused to kill Saul when he had the opportunity, because Saul was the Lord's anointed?

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Despite Samuel's warnings, Israel wanted one of these so they could be like other nations.

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What river did the people cross on dry ground under Joshua's leadership?

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What provisions did Abraham give Hagar when he sent her away?

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What city did God say He would spare if He found fifty righteous?

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In what city did men lower a man through the roof to get to Jesus?

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From whom did a Syropenician woman ask Jesus to cast a devil?

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Jesus said, destroy this temple and in how many days He will raise it up?

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Who tried to seduce Joseph?

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What was Peter doing when the angel of the Lord came to deliver him from prison?

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How long was Saul blind before the Lord sent Ananias to pray for him?

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How old was Moses when he spoke to Pharoah with Aaron?

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The lame man who was healed at the Beautiful Gate was above what age?

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Who charged his people that Hebrew baby boys must be cast into the river?

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How many doors were in the ark Noah built?

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Who challenged 30 men at a feast with a riddle?

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To whose daughter did Herod say "Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee"?

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Who broke the tablets with commandments God had given him?

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When she was ninety who was told his wife would have a child?

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How was John the Baptist killed?

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On what day did God create grass?

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What did the woman at the well leave behind after talking to Jesus?

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Who are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;

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Jesus said the kingdom of God is like a grain of what kind of seed?

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Who is the door of the sheep?

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What did Jesus say the gates of hell would not prevail against?

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Which disciple was call Didymus?

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The just shall live by what?

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What did a saraphim put on Isaiah's mouth?

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What city did Nahum prophesy would be laid waste?

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