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Today's Bible Question

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

After Jesus was resurrected, He showed Himself to His disciples forty days, and then told them not to depart from what city until they received the promise?

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Who went through Nineveh crying "Forty days and Nineveh shall be overthrown"?

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Who came tempting Jesus after He had been fasting in the wilderness forty days?

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Who wandered in the wilderness for forty years?

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What man was in Mount Sinai for forty days when the Lord gave him the ten commandments?

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After what man and his family boarded the ark, rain came upon the earth for forty day?

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Whose dream did Joseph interpret, and the man was executed as Joseph said?

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Whose dream did Joseph interpret, and the man was restored to his position as Joseph said?

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After coming to see Jesus as a baby, who was warned of God in a dream to depart a different way?

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Who hated Joseph when he told them he had a dream that they bowed before him?

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When Herod wanted to kill Jesus, who was warned in a dream to take his wife and child to Egypt?

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Whose wife had a dream, and warned him "Have nothing to do with that just man"?

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There is no need for the sun in heaven, because what will be the light?

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What shall God wipe away and there shall be no more death?

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What seamstress did Peter raise from the dead?

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What woman was thrown from a wall and was eaten by dogs as Elijah had prophesied?

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What forerunner of Jesus was executed by having his head cut off?

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What king commanded his armor bearer to slay him with his sword, lest it was said he was slain by a woman?

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What disciple went out and hanged himself after betraying Jesus?

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Though disguised in battle, what king died after being shot in battle with an arrow in the joint of his armor?

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Who told the women at the tomb He is not here: for he is risen?

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From where did Jesus ascend into heaven while with His disciples?

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In the land of the Gaderenes Jesus cast devils from a man who lived where?

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In what garden did God put the man He formed from the dust of the ground?

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When Joseph heard that Archelaus reigned in Judaea in place of his father Herod, where did he take Jesus?

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Who asked at the age of twelve "How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Fathers business?"

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Who was the son of Zacharias, conceived in his old age?

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What feast had Mary and Joseph been to Jerusalem to celebrate when Jesus was separated from them?

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How old was Jesus when after having been separated from them, Mary and Joseph found Him in the temple?

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When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, who did angels announce His birth to?

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