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Today's Bible Question

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Which disciple was a thief that carried the money bag?

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Who promised Herodias daughter up to half the kingdom after she pleased him with her dance?

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Who ran to a chariot and preached Jesus to the Ethiopian passenger?

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Who was put in a den of lions for praying to God?

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Which disciple had been a publican and left the gate of custom to follow Jesus?

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What man was short, so he climbed a sycamore tree to get a better view of Jesus?

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In which book can we find the words "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand"?

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Who sat on a stone during a battle while Aaron and Hur held his arms up so that Israel would prevail?

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What shall be written on the white stone those who overcome shall receive?

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Who was stoned calling upon God, and saying, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit"?

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What did David gather from the brook when he prepared to fight Goliath?

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What was Jacob using stones for when he saw angels ascending and descending on a ladder?

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What did Moses disobediently do when God told him to speak to the rock?

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On what ground did the seed fall that sprang up,but when the sun was up was scorched because it had no root, and withered away?

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When Samuel came to anoint one of Jesses sons king, which son was chosen?

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After meeting Jesus, which disciple brought his brother to Jesus?

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Who became leprous after rebuking her brother, Moses

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Which disciple did Jesus ask "Lovest thou me" three times?

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By faith, who was translated that he should not see death?

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Whose stepbrothers put himout of his fathers household, but when Ammon made war against them, called for him to lead their army?

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When Joseph accused his brothers of being spies, he insisted they bring this youngest brother to him.

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Who were sisters Leah and Rachel both married to?

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When the prodigal son came home what did his older brother refuse to do?

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After Jacob stole his blessing, what man wanted to kill Jacob?

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Who was Mary and Marthas brother?

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Who gave Joseph a coat of many colors?

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Because David refused to harm Gods anointed, when he had opportunity to kill him, he only cut the garment of what king?

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From what kind of hair was John the baptists raiment made?

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From what did Adam and Eve make aprons?

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What did the hem of Aarons robe have sown between pomegranates?

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