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Today's Bible Question

Sunday, September 29, 2024

What was Jonah doing when the storm came and the storm came and the ship was ready to break apart?

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What king killed 10,000 of the children of Seir in the Valley of Salt?

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Where did King Jeroboam have the two golden calves set up?

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Before the wind destroyed the house they were all in, how many sons and daughters did Job have?

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Who did Balak hire to curse Israel, yet he blessed them?

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Where did Aaron die?

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What did the disciples pluck from the field and eat on the Sabbath that troubled the Pharisees?

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Who said he was not worthy to bear the shoes of Jesus?

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Jesus said the Pharisees strain at a gnat, but what did he say they swallow?

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From whom did Jesus cast seven devils?

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What did Jesus say Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like?

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Where was his elder brother when the prodigal son returned?

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What was the inscription Paul saw on the altar at Athens?

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Peter said one day with the Lord is as how many years?

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Who told king Ahasuerus that Bigthana and Teresh sought to kill him?

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What prophet said Jezebel would be eaten by dogs?

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How long did Jeremiah prophesy the Israelite captivity under Babylon would last?

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To whom did the Lord say "Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger"?

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Who asked Jesus "Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?"

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Who was a tiller of the ground, while his brother was a keeper of sheep?

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What was the name of Herodias husband?

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Who said "A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven"?

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When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, for how many days did Jesus abide in the same place where he was?

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Who could not bare her husband children as her sister Leah did, so she envied her?

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How many kind of fruit are on the tree of life?

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Who fell from heaven?

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What is the street in heaven made of?

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What land did the Lord bring plagues upon when they refused to let his people go?

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In how many days did Jonah say Nineveh would be overthrown?

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Where did Jesus say we should store up our treasures where moths or rust cannot corrupt and thieves cannot break through and steal?

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