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Today's Bible Question

Sunday, September 29, 2024

What did Noah cover the inside and outside of the ark with?

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In the parable Jesus told about the woman who lost a piece of silver, how many pieces had she had in total?

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Who from his shoulders and upward was higher than any of the people?

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Who was Ahab's wife?

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When the Israelites got to Marah, why couldn't they drink the water?

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When Paul and Silas were in prison, what was the keeper prepared to do when he thought the prisoners had escaped?

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What kind of bird returned to Noah with an olive leaf?

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After Peter preached on the day of Pentecost how many people were baptized?

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What did the men do after throwing Jonah overboard?

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Which is the first commandment with promise?

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What king's hand dried up when he put it forth against the man of God?

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Who heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord, and came to prove him with hard questions?

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Who did Cain kill?

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What did Moses do with the golden calf?

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When Jesus healed ten lepers how many came back and thanked Him?

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How many armed trained servants born in his own house did Abram take when Lot was taken captive?

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To whom did Jesus say Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed?

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Who prayed to God out of a fishs belly?

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What woman was eaten by dogs?

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What man and wife lied to the Holy Ghost?

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Who gave a cake of figs and two clusters of raisins to an Egyptian?

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What nurse was buried under an oak tree?

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Who found mandrakes in the field?

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Who armed his men with lamps inside empty pitchers?

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In whose sack was a silver cup found?

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Who was on the isle of Patmos for the word of God and was in the Spirit on the Lords day?

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David said that Goliath came to him with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield, but how did David say he came to Goliath?

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What king made a pool and a conduit, and brought water into Jerusalem?

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What kind of meat did Isaac ask Esau to bring to him, that he might eat, and then bless him before he die?

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Who said to Jesus If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread?

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