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Today's Bible Question

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

What disciple did Jesus tell "Feed My lambs"?

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How did Jesus say all men will know you are My disciples?

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How did Jesus say you should love your neighbor?

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What king built a high place for Chemosh when his wives turned his heart to other gods?

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Who told the High Priest "We ought to obey God rather than men"?

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God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship Him how?

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What did Jesus say to pray the Lord would send forth into His harvest?

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What are we to present as a living sacrifice unto God?

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What is the fruit of the Spirit?

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According to James chapter 5, If there are any sick among you, who are they to call?

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On what day did God create fish?

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What are we to do without ceasing?

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Who was Moses' mother?

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Who was Isaac's mother?

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Who was Cain and Abel's mother?

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Who was Samuel's mother?

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Who was Jacob and Esau's mother?

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Who was Solomon's mother?

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Who was John the baptist's mother?

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Jesus said to love your enemies, and do what to them that curse you?

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What king's crown and bracelet did an Amelekite bring to David?

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The Lord will give a crown of righteousness to those who love what?

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A city that is set where, cannot be hid?

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The word of the Lord came to Zechariah saying to use silver and gold to make crowns and set them on the head of what high priest?

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What did Jesus say a tree is known by?

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Who cast a tree into bitter waters and they became sweet?

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Who was reproved by John the baptist for marrying his brother Phillip's wife?

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What did Jesus say a man has done if he looks at a woman to lust after her?

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Who became angry when the prodigal son came home?

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Joseph told Pharaoh he should store food for how many years of famine?

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