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Today's Bible Question

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Who was busy serving while her sister sat at the feet of Jesus?

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When you put on the whole armor of God, what are your feet shod with?

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Who did an angel appear to in a dream, and say not to be afraid to take Mary for his wife?

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Through what did Jesus say the Pharisees made the word of God of none effect?

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David danced before the Lord when what was brought into Jerusalem?

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What did the Lord tell Ezekiel to do to dry bones?

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When the people were bitten by serpents, what happened to anyone who looked at the brass serpent Moses made?

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Who did Joseph say shepherds were an abomination to?

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What did Job say is sealed up in a bag?

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In what city did God say there were more than 120,000 persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand?

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What did Solomon say to bind about your neck, and write on the tables of your heart?

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Jesus said to anoint your head and wash your face when you are doing what?

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In what city did Jesus perform His first miracle?

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How many generations are there from the carrying away into Babylon to Christ?

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Who prayed for strength so he may be avenged of the Philistines for his eyes?

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Who did Esau give his birthright to for bread and lentils?

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What tribe did the children of Israel battle with when a Levite's concubine was attacked and killed?

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Who got angry when a gourd withered?

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Which of Jesus' twelve disciples did satan enter into?

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What did Solomon say to cut in half when two harlots were disputing over it?

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Whose name was changed to Sarah?

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How did the mariners determine Jonah was the cause of the storm?

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What did Jesus call God's footstool?

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Who did Mordecai take as his own daughter when her mother and father were dead?

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What was the name of Simon Peter's father?

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What did Joseph's brothers dip in goat blood?

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A dead man came to life when his body was set on the dead bones of what prophet?

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Jesus told Peter he would be called Cephas, which means what?

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Who did Pilate ask "What is truth?"

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What was Abram's name changed to?

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