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Today's Bible Question

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Who stretched himself on a dead child, and the child lived?

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To what king was Abishag brought to keep warm in his old age?

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Who did Paul ask who had bewitched them?

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What does the book of I Corinthians say the last enemy that shall be destroyed is?

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What had the disciples gone to do when Jesus spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well?

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What did the mother of Jesus tell the servants at a marriage when they had no wine?

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Whose daughter-in-law deceived him by dressing as a harlot?

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How many generations are there from Abraham to David?

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How were Esther and Mordecai related?

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Who had an Egyptian handmaid name Hagar?

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Who did satan provoke to count the people of Israel?

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Who saw saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven?

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What did the children of Israel hang on willows as they remembered Zion by the rivers of Babylon?

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What without works is dead?

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Who hated Micaiah because he never prophesied good to him?

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With what are you able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked?

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Who told Mary "Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also"?

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Who did Ahab ask "Art thou he that troubleth Israel?"

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Who cried "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge" as he was being stoned?

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What happened when a dead man was put in Elisha's sepulchre?

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When Elisha told a widow to borrow vessels, what were they miraculously filled with?

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Who said one mightier than he would baptize with the Holy Ghost and fire?

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What did Jesus change water into at a wedding feast?

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In the parable of the Good Samaritan, where was the man who was robbed coming from?

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What did God change Abraham's name from?

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Who did the people of Lycaonia think was Jupiter when a lame man was healed?

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Who was deceived into marrying Leah after he had worked to marry Rachel?

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When the woman washed Jesus' feet with her tears, what did she wipe them with?

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When God pours His Spirit on all flesh what will your sons and daughters do?

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Who did David instruct to put Uriah in the hottest battle and retire from him, so he would died?

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