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Today's Bible Question

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

In the book of revelation, what did John compare Jesus' feet to?

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What did the twenty-four elders cast before the throne?

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Who dreamed the sun, moon, and stars bowed before him?

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To whom did Jesus say, ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man?

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Who put goat skins on Jacob to help him deceive his father?

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What king did Queen Vashti refuse to come before when she was called?

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On whose mouth did a seraphim put a hot coal?

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After the seventh seal was opened where was there silence for half an hour?

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How many tabernacles did Peter want to build after the transfiguration?

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What ceased after Joshua and the children of Israel ate food from the land of Canaan?

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What was Jesus doing when His sweat was as great drops of blood?

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What items from Paul's body were brought to the sick?

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Who made aprons from fig leaves?

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Who asked Paul and Silas 'What must I do to be saved'?

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Who is called the troubler of Israel because he transgressed the thing accursed?

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Who tried to send both her daughters-in-law back to their mother's house when she returned to her homeland?

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Which Jewish sect said there is no resurrection?

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What was Zacchaeus' occupation?

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What apostle did Paul have a dispute with because he ate with Gentiles and then separated himself from them?

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Who did God allow to see the promised land, but not enter it?

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The Lord told Rebekah there were two nations in her womb when she was carrying what twins?

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What was the name of Sarai's Egyptian handmaid?

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Who provoked David to count the people of Israel?

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In what valley did God say He would gather all nations in the book of Joel?

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Who was Naomi's husband?

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What book states that he who read its prophecy, and he who hears it and obeys will be blessed?

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What did the Spirit say to the churches he that overcomes would receive with a new name on it?

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What three bear witness in earth and agree in one?

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What did Joel say the moon would turn to before the great and terrible day of the Lord?

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Who thought Jesus was a gardener?

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