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Today's Bible Question

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

What king was glad when he saw Jesus, because he hoped to see a miracle?

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Who wrote an epistle addressed to the elect lady and her children?

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Who prophesied saying, "Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints"?

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Whose servants did Hanun accuse of being spies and shave half their beards?

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What son of Jonathan continually ate at King David's table?

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Who did God tell David would build Him a house?

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Who did Michal despise when she saw him dance before the Lord?

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From where did the Lord speak to Job?

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What did Jesus tell John the stars he saw in His hand were?

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Whose rod budded?

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In the parable Jesus told about the great supper, what livestock did a man say he bought to make excuse not to attend?

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What did dogs do to the beggar Lazarus?

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For how many years had the woman been bowed together and could not lift herself up, when Jesus healed her?

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Who did Jesus compare to whited sepulchres full of dead men's bones?

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What king was Bathsheba married to?

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What holy city did John see coming down from God out of heaven?

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How many times did Paul say he received forty stripes, save one?

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How long did God tell Abram his descendants would serve and be afflicted in a strange land?

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Who told Sarai to say she was his sister when they entered Egypt?

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For how many days did Job's friends sit with him before speaking?

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Who was Naomi's daughter-in-law?

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What did Nadab and Abihu offer before the Lord that caused them to die?

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Who was given twice as much as he had before after he prayed for his friends?

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What does Psalms instruct every thing that has breath to do?

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On what did the children of Israel hang their harps as they remembered Zion by the rivers of Babylon?

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Brethren dwelling together in unity is pleasant like the precious oil that ran down whose beard?

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What does Psalms say is precious in the sight of the Lord?

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Faith without what, is dead?

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Jesus instructed His disciples to be as harmless as doves and as wise as what?

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What crown is laid up for all them that love the Lord's appearing?

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