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Today's Bible Question

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Who found grace in the eyes of the Lord?

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After His resurrection, what food was Jesus awaiting on the shore with, while His disciples were fishing?

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What kind of bird did the Lord provide the Children of Israel with in the wilderness?

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What kind of seed was manna like?

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Why did Jesus curse a fig tree?

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In the book of Revelation, what did he that sat on the red horse have power to take from the earth?

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In whose house was Jesus when a woman washed His feet with her tears?

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Who stood in Mars' Hill and told the people of Athens they were superstitious?

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Who told eve "If ye eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil ye shall be as gods"?

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Whose heart did God harden so that he would not let His people go?

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What king danced before the Lord with all his might wearing a linen ephod?

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Who overthrew the tables of the moneychangers in the temple and cast out them that sold and bought?

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Who was so sorrowful she could not bear children, that Eli thought she had been drinking?

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The disciples displeased Jesus by trying to send away who?

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When the crowd stoned Stephen, at whose feet did they lay their clothes?

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Who were Lazarus' sisters?

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Who interpreted a baker's dream and the baker was hanged 3 days later?

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Who used stones for a pillow?

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Who was in a trance and saw a sheet full animals and birds come down from heaven?

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Joel wrote your young men shall see visions, and what will your old men do?

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Who was going to kill all the wise men of Babylon because they couldn't interpret his dream?

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Whose brothers hated him for his dreams?

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Who was warned of God in a dream to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt?

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To whom was Pilate's wife referring when she said have nothing to do with that just man?

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Who kneeled and prayed after Tabitha died, and she opened her eyes and sat up?

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What did Herodias' daughter do that pleased Herod?

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What did Ananias and Sapphira do that cost them their lives?

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What did a woman drop on Abimelech's head?

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When the children of Israel escaped the bondage of Egypt, whose bones did they carry with them?

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Though disguised in battle, what king died after being shot with an arrow in the joint of his armor?

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