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Today's Bible Question

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

On which day of the week did God rest from His work?

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What did the dove have in her mouth when she returned to Noah?

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What animals did Samson use to burn the fields of the Philistines?

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In the book of revelation Jesus is described as the lion from which tribe?

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When Moses was on mount Sinai receiving the 10 commandments who made a golden calf for the people to worship?

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The devil goes about as what kind of animal seeking whom he may devour?

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Who made a vow to sacrifice the first thing to come out of his gate when he returned from battle, and was heartbroken to see it was his only daughter?

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Who gave Moses his name, because she drew him out of the water?

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After Jesus had been missing for three days when He was twelve years old, where did Mary and Joseph find Him?

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What did Absalom get his head caught in when he was riding a mule?

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Who lay herself at the feet of Boaz when he was sleeping on the threshing floor?

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Who told a riddle after killing a lion?

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Delilah called for a man to shave whose head?

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Who dreamed about angels ascending and descending on a ladder?

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After Adam and Eve were banished from the garden God placed Cherubims with what to guard the tree of life?

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From where does a pure river of water of life flow?

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What do the four beasts round about the throne continually say?

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What new city did John see coming down from God out of heaven?

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In the sermon on the mount Jesus said not to cast your pearls before what creature?

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Who became dumb because he did not believe the words Gabriel told him?

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What people spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing?

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What were the sick folk around the pool of Bethesda waiting for an angel to do?

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A woman who had been sick for 12 years said she would be whole if she touched what?

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At what gate was a lame man begging for alms when he saw Peter and John?

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The Lord said, Come now and let us reason together, though your sins be as scarlet, they will be white like what?

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When the sixth seal was opened in the book of Revelation, what color did the sun become?

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In the book of Revelation, what color was the horse that was carrying a rider with balances in his hand?

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To where was Saul traveling when a great light shone around him, and he heard the voice of the Lord?

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When Moses killed the Egyptian for smiting a Hebrew, where did he hide the body?

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When children mocked Elisha, the bald prophet, what were they attacked and killed by?

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