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Today's Bible Question

Monday, September 30, 2024

To whom did Peter say, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money?

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Who gathered five smooth stones in preparation to fight the giant?

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Who carried Lazarus to Abraham's bosom?

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John the baptist was called the voice one crying where?

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To whom did Joseph of Amimathaea go to beg the body of Jesus?

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To whom did Peter say, Though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never be offended?

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Who did Eve say beguiled her, and she did eat?

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When who was baptized, did the Spirit of God descending like a dove?

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Who did Ananaias pray for to receive his sight?

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How many years did the Lord add to Hezekiah's life after he prayed?

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Which apostle was a tentmaker by trade?

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Whose hands did Aaron and Hur hold up during a battle against the Amalekites?

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Where did Rahab bind the scarlet thread?

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What article of purple did the soldiers put on Jesus?

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After Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall, who had a gold chain put on Daniel's neck?

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What did God make from Adam's Rib?

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Where were Paul and Silas when they sang praises to to God at midnight?

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Who brought Samuel a little coat each year?

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Elijah challenged the prophets of what false god to pray fire down from heaven?

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What did Jesus go to Gethsemane to do before He went to the cross?

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Who sent out the spies that stayed at Rahab's house?

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What did King Agrippa tell Paul he had almost persuaded him to do?

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When Daniel prayed three times a day, toward what city were his windows open?

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To whom did Mary say, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away?

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Who was struck with boils after losing all his possessions?

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What was Simon of Cyrene compelled to carry?

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What King's dream did Daniel interpret?

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What was Samson doing when Delilah had his head shaved?

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From whom did David take a spear and cruse of water as was sleeping?

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In which part of his body was Asa diseased, when he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians?

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