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Today's Bible Question

Monday, September 30, 2024

Who dropped Mephibosheth?

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Who played a harp for Saul when an unclean spirit was upon him?

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What prophet did Naaman go to seeking to be cleansed from leprosy?

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What happened to Jeroboam's hand when he put it forth against the man of God?

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Whose descendants became the two tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim?

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Who did the Lord tell to throw down his father's altar to Baal?

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What did Jesus use to make clay to put on a blind man's eyes?

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What did Pharaoh stop providing the Hebrew slaves with to increase their burden?

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What seed when it is sown in the earth, is less than all the seeds that be in the earth, but it grows up and becomes greater than all herbs?

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What happened to the weather when Jesus and Peter got in the boat after walking on the sea?

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Who cried when he made himself known to his brothers?

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Jesus said whoever denies Him before men, He will deny before who?

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What did the herd of swine do when the unclean spirit entered them?

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Who astonished the people because he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes?

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What did Jesus say about Jairus' daughter that made the crowd laugh Him to scorn?

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Whose brothers said, Behold, this dreamer cometh, when they saw him coming?

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What tribes built an altar they called Ed?

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From what ailment did Jesus heal Peters mother-in-law?

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What king took Daniel captive when he besieged Jerusalem?

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What apostle was stoned at Lystra and left for dead?

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Jesus was accused of casting out devils by the power of what prince of the devils?

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How many more children did Job have after he was restored?

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A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth what kind of fruit?

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What Old Testament prophet raised a widow's son from the dead?

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Who did God instruct to remove his shoes from a burning bush?

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What did Jesus say will happen to those which hunger and thirst after righteousness?

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Who married Keturah after his wife, Sarah, died?

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Who told Pharaoh, I do remember my faults this day?

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When Jesus fed the four thousand, how long had they been with Him with nothing to eat?

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Where did the man dwell who day and night was crying and cutting himself with stones?

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