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Today's Bible Question

Monday, September 30, 2024

What were the images's feet made of in Nebuchadnezzar's dream?

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Concerning the whole armour of God, what should your feet be shod with?

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What did Jesus say the meek shall inherit?

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What does God own upon a thousand hills?

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How many churches in Asia in the book of Revelation are addressed?

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Who saw Hannah praying and thought she was drunk?

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How many times did Israel march around Jericho on the seventh day?

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whose wife was Zipporah?

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Who said "Let there be light"?

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Jesus told His disciples to be wise as serpents and harmless as what?

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Which of His disciple said to Jesus "Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory"?

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In the book of Revelation, what do the seven golden candlesticks represent?

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What watch of the night was it when Jesus walked on the sea?

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Who were the Egyptian midwives that refused to kill the Hebrew children?

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Under what queen did the Ethiopian eunuch that Phillip preached to serve?

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What did Esau sell to Jacob for some food?

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Who said "The Almighty hath dealt very bitterly with me"?

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Who refused to drink the water that three men risked their lives to bring to him?

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Who was threshing wheat by a winepress when the angel of the Lord appeared to him?

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To whom did Jesus say "Make haste, and come down; for to day I must abide at thy house"?

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What did Bartimaeus do when many charged him that he should hold his peace?

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For how many years did the woman who touched the hem of Jesus' garment have an issue of blood?

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After Abraham showed he was willing to sacrifice his son, Isaac, what animal did God provided to sacrifice?

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Who attempted to arm David with his own armour as David was preparing to come against Goliath?

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Who saw a sheet full of animals descend from heaven and heard a voice sayandquot;Kill and eatandquot;?

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To whom was the keeper of the prison speaking when he asked "What must I do to be saved?"

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Who by faith blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come?

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What did Jacob use for a pillow when he had a dream seeing angels ascending and descending from heaven on a ladder?

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What kind of tree was Elijah sitting under when he was brought food and water by an angel?

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Who are the three that bear record in heaven?

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