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Today's Bible Question

Monday, September 30, 2024

Who when he was bitten by a viper, shook it off and was not harmed?

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How many days did Jesus fast in the wilderness?

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Who laughed when she was told she would give birth in her old age?

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What caused so much evil to befall upon the Philistines when they stole it, that they sent it back to Israel?

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When the Jews asked for a sign, Jesus said destroy this temple and I will raise it up in how many days?

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Who did God show the promised land to, but not allow to go there?

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When Elijah prayed, what didn't happen for three and one half years?

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Where did Jesus send Peter to get money to pay tribute for Him and His disciples?

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What two men were in prison when there was an earthquake that opened the jail doors?

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What did Moses make out of brass and put on a pole when the people were bitten by fiery serpents?

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What came forth when Moses struck a rock with his rod?

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What swam to the top of the water when Elisha threw a stick in the water?

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When Jesus healed a blind man at Bethsaida what did he say he saw man as?

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Who did not see the angel blocking his path, and his donkey spoke to him?

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When his servant thought they were outnumbered, who prayed that God would open his eyes, and Gehazi saw a multitude of horses and chariots round about?

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Who blessed baby Jesus saying "Behold, this child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel"?

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Who was not the Light, but was sent to bear witness of the Light?

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Who did Jesus call a fox?

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What animal did the law of Moses say should not be muzzled when it treads out corn?

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Who warned Paul when a band of more than forty Jews conspired to kill him?

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Who were the sons of Simon of Cyrene?

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To what position was Daniel appointed by King Darius?

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What jewelry did Abraham's servant give to Rebekah at the well?

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What was Elisha's duty to do for Elijah?

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What was another name for Dorcas whom Peter prayed for and was raised from the dead?

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On what day did God create whales?

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What tribe was Moses from?

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What name did Rachel originally give Benjamin?

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Who heard Peter knocking at the door, but did not let him in when he escaped from prison?

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Which of Jesus' twelve disciples did He specifically call "friend"?

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