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Today's Bible Question

Monday, September 30, 2024

Who despised David in her heart when he danced before the Lord?

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Who broke in pieces the brasen serpent that Moses had made?

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Who did Paul leave his cloak with in Troas?

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What did Jael give to Sisera when he asked for water?

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Who did Paul call "child of the devil"?

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Who did Jesus say ate the show bread along with his men when they were hungry?

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What food did Jesse have David take to his brothers in battle?

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Who took provisions to David and his men after her husband had turned him away?

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The inhabitants of what place made as if they had been ambassadors, and took old sacks and old wine bottles and moldy bread to deceive Joshua?

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Where was Mephibosheth when he was summoned by David to his court?

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What name did the prince of the eunuchs give Daniel?

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What was the name of the well at which Jesus talked to the Samaritan woman?

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When he died who was cast into a great pit in the wood, and was laid a very great heap of stones upon him?

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What was the first thing Noah did when he got off the ark?

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What King fell down through a lattice in Samaria?

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Which apostle did some Greeks approach saying "Sir, we would see Jesus"?

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Valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the bodies of what king and his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there?

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Where did Moses flee after he killed the Egyptian?

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What mountain was cursed by David in a lament for the loss of Saul and Jonathon?

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Who vowed a vow that if God be with him, and keep him, and give him bread and raiment he would give a tenth of all he had to the Lord?

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What did Samuel name the stone he set up between Mizpeh and Shen after a victory over the Philistines?

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At what church did Phebe serve?

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Who did God say He had made a father of many nations?

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What did Pharoah's daughter name a child, because she drew him out of the water?

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When the Samaritans did not receive Jesus, which of His disciples wanted to call down fire from heaven?

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When Jesus healed the ten lepers, what nationality was the one who came back and gave thanks?

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Who was Timothy's mother?

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Where did Barnabas and Mark sail to after separating from Paul?

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Upon what mountains did Noah's ark come to rest?

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Where were all the firstborn slain at midnight?

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