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Today's Bible Question

Friday, July 5, 2024

What did Jesus say His servants would do if His kingdom were of this world?

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Who did the angel of the Lord speak to from heaven to keep from sacrificing his son?

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Who spent 3 nights in the whale's belly?

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When David faced Goliath in battle, the giant asked David if he thought he were what kind of creature?

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Whose hand became leprous when God told him to put it into his bosom?

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A man at the beautiful gate received strength in his feet and ankle bones when who lifted him up?

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Only the skull, feet, and palms of what woman were found after the dogs ate her flesh?

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Jesus said whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a what shall not enter therein?

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Whose mother put goat skins on her son to deceive his father?

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Who laid her son under a shrub because she didn't want to watch him die?

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Who executed all the royal heirs when her son, Ahaziah, died?

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What did Solomon say to do when two woman both claimed to be the mother of an infant?

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Whose mother asked Jesus that her sons may sit at His right hand and left hand in His kingdom?

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Who instructed her daughter to ask for the head of John the baptist in a charger?

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Who said I am come to set the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law?

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Who told Herod it was not lawful to have his brother's wife?

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Who became Laban's brother-in-law by marrying Rebekah?

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What did Moses name his son, saying, I have been a stranger in a strange land?

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Who called Jesus Rabboni after He had risen from the grave?

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Who said she wanted to be called Mara, because the Lord had dealt bitterly with her?

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When the men said "there is death in the pot" who cast in meal to make it edible?

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Whose father-in-law was Jethro?

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Who was Tamar's father-in-law?

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Who told the wise men that he wanted to worship Jesus, but really wanted to kill Him?

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What king killed James with the sword?

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Who goes about as a roaring lion?

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Who did Elijah cast his mantle on, as the man was plowing with oxen?

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What was Bartimaeus doing when he heard Jesus was coming that way?

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Who prayed saying "God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican"?

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In the beatitudes, who did Jesus say would see God?

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