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Today's Bible Question

Friday, July 5, 2024

Who told David "Thou art the man" after David killed Uriah and took his wife?

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Who was sitting at Jesus' feet while her sister was busy serving?

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All the firstborn in what country died, because they would not let God's people go?

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Who was Andrew's brother?

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How many sons did Jacob have?

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What king had his wife disguise herself and go to a prophet?

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What did the centurion say when Jesus said He would come heal his servant?

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What people were on the ark with Noah?

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Who said he was in the spirit on the Lord's day?

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Elisha asked for a double portion of whose spirit?

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What did King Ahab want that belonged to Naboth?

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Whose wives were Abigail and Ahinoam?

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What was the occasion when Jesus changed water to wine?

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What happened to Josiah when he went into battle disguised?

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Who executed the priest's office in the temple that Solomon built in Jerusalem?

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Where was the woman at the well Jesus asked a drink of from?

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How many men went to look for Elijah when he was carried to heaven?

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The Lord showed Jeremiah two baskets of what kind of fruit?

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Who asked the woman with a familiar spirit to bring up Samuel?

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Who sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites?

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On what day did God create trees?

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Who sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus if He was the Christ, when the man was in prison?

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What land did Job live in?

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Who saw four men walking in the fiery furnace?

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What happened to the Amalekite who told David he had killed Saul?

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What did Peter walk on in a storm, that none of the other disciples did?

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Where was Daniel put for praying to God?

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Who was John the baptist speaking of when he said "Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world"?

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The days of Purim were established under what queen?

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Who was sold for 20 pieces of silver?

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